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Next Fixtures News and Information

13th May

Mike Russle Cup Final at Builders (LH)
Jokers 6 v 3 HS 3

Well done to the MR Cup winners, the Jokers

Teams 2024/5

We would love to increase the teams playing in the League. Do you know of any club or pub which might be interested? Please let us know, so we can make contact, explain the set-up and try to expand the league.

Fixtures 2024/5

The fixtures will appear here here

AGM and Presentation Night

The AGM and Presentation Night will be on the 2nd September at 8pm at the EBRBL


Subs for the new season will be detailed here. Details of our bank account, with Metro Bank, are as follows:

Account name: Potters Bar Cribage League
Account number: 46929429
Sort Code 23-05-80


No player shall play more than 2 games except in the event of only 4/5/6 players being available, then players are permitted to play 3 games which can consist of either 2 singles and a double, or 2 doubles and a single.

Might be good to carry the rules with you (maybe on your smartphone) so you can whip them out and sort any dispute. Download them here

Quiz Details

Interested in pub quizzes? Find details of local quizzes below.

Interested in Playing?

If you would like to play, contact us at the Potters Bar and District Crib League (email admin@pbcrib.co.uk or call 07711019313). We can put you in touch with your local team who will welcome you and offer a few friendly games to get you started. For beginners there is a guide to Cribbage on the website here

To learn the game there are some good cribbage games you can download to your mobile phone or tablet. Cribbage Pro (by Fuller systems) is recommended.


13th May

Mike Russle Cup Final at Builders (LH)
Jokers 6 v 3 HS 3

29nd April

Singles Final at SCCC

John Allen (BH) 0 v lez Steed (Jokers) 3

Division One
Lords 4 v OH Bowls 5

22nd April

Pairs Final at BSCA

C Cushion/J Paul (SCCC) beat P Estall/D Holliday (Builders) 3-0

15th April

Mike Russle Cup
Jokers 5 v Builders 3
Lords 2 v 3 HS 5

Elleston Trophy Final at EBRBL
Kitcheners 6 v BSCA 3

8th April

Division One

Steamers 7 v Lords 2
OHB 3 v Exchequers 6
